Ouh! I just can't wait for them to make their comeback this July!

Leader Kim HyunJoong!

Gosh! This guy really makes me smile whenever I see him on screen. His charm, cuteness and his leader dorkiness just makes me wanna love him more. =) Even SS501 Kim KyuJong can't make me smile that wide though he's my favourite in their group.
Hyunjoong had currently posted a message on his cyworld to his fans for White day.
I just don't believe he wrote those words. Those 'kekekekekeke' of his just makes me laugh.
Read it.
Hyun Joong: ...................... (2009-03-14 at 2:54:49)
Hyun Joong: ...................... (2009-03-14 at 2:54:49)
White Day comes around once a year..........
Here are candy rings that I was searching on the internet for 20 minutes ^^
Use this to make it and then wear it kekekekekekekekeke
Do you think I'd only give you candy?????????
Just wait. I'll return with a bigger present than candy next time, maybe next week?????
Is it Boys over Flowers????? Kekeke or maybe not???????
Or it could be nothing.... ㅡㅡ;;;
It is a new semester so your body and mind should be excited
Just until you receive my gift, stay excited kekekeke
You're curious, right???????????
I don't want to tell you
To those who are stressed at work,to those who are having a hard time at school,to the cute ahjummas rolling around at home............... kekekekekekeke
Since this gift is free....^^ accept it freely
With the money I've earned, I wanted to do something for you all......
For now, eat the candy and wait ^^
I know about the ones who don't have boyfriends, so I'm taking care of you kekeke
To my older ones and to my younger ones ... kekeke and friends
Here are candy rings that I was searching on the internet for 20 minutes ^^
Use this to make it and then wear it kekekekekekekekeke
Do you think I'd only give you candy?????????
Just wait. I'll return with a bigger present than candy next time, maybe next week?????
Is it Boys over Flowers????? Kekeke or maybe not???????
Or it could be nothing.... ㅡㅡ;;;
It is a new semester so your body and mind should be excited
Just until you receive my gift, stay excited kekekeke
You're curious, right???????????
I don't want to tell you
To those who are stressed at work,to those who are having a hard time at school,to the cute ahjummas rolling around at home............... kekekekekekeke
Since this gift is free....^^ accept it freely
With the money I've earned, I wanted to do something for you all......
For now, eat the candy and wait ^^
I know about the ones who don't have boyfriends, so I'm taking care of you kekeke
To my older ones and to my younger ones ... kekeke and friends
Kim HyunJoong - Haengbok ee ran
His new song plus new handsome hairstyle! wohoo!
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