Leeteuk cried so hard! He's the best leader I've ever seen! Oppa Fighting!

Super Junior Won first in KPOP cart. It's their first award they got ever since their comeback this early March and its been two weeks now that they are promoting their songs. After 1 year and 6 months for not being active in the music industry, they really deserves this award. Leeteuk even mentioned Kibum who was not present for all of their comeback performances for some reasons and said "Kibum ah! Hyung did it!" and went to Donghae and hug him. Hankyung thanked his fans in chinese. SNSD were there to celebrate with them too. SNSD even dance SuJu's dance moves to keep the crowd entertain while the SuJu members are way at the back, crying. Videos will be uploaded. Fancams will be uploaded to see the clear view on what was happening
Announcing the No1 KPOP Chart in Music Bank + Encore
[FanCam]- Donghae hugged Teuk! He also took an advantge to hug SNSD Taeyeon and Jessica[his ex-girlfriend] HaeSica is loved!=))