Story with SUJU!

Wednesday, September 24

Mr and Ms Know-It-All

First of all
Happy Belated Birthday to Kim Kibum ,also known as 'Almighty' Key, from the new group SHINEE!
If it wasn't Erna who reminded me of his birthday just now,
I would have totally forgot.Its okay Erna.
If Key membebel at you like an omma, just shout at him "I'm busy lah deyh! EOY coming!"
Okay,back to the topic of Mr and Ms Know-It-All. That's what my friends and I have been calling them for the past few days. I envy them,seriously. I envy their intelligence. How I wish my brain's memory card is as big as theirs. How I wish i'm as hardworking as them. Everyday making notes or doing revision on every subjects. I take them as a good example of studying and achieve-ing my goals. They motivate me a lot.
But one thing that is heart breaking is their attitude. Forget about Mr Know-It-All. It's Ms Know-It-All that I am talking about. She have this kind of attitude problem. Just because she have the intelligence and the 'power' she so called abused them. She's kind of making people around me suffer. By saying out long sentences that ended up telling us that we're stupid, really makes others uncomfortable. Like as if she's the only one who can make it. The cleverest among all of us. Hey Missy, who do you think you are? A goddess that everyone have to obey to your rules? Ouh please. At least Mr Know-It-All is not behaving like you do. While he still have his knowlegde, he share it with the people around him. He did not call others stupid like you do. Do wake up please, or you will regret as you will find out that no one will be respecting you and being friends with you. NO ONE! Everybody around you is hating you now. They are just acting like as if they don't.

[CF] Super Junior - Yamaha Fino all 5 versions
Hafirah! Hankyung is in here! The 'CHICK-EN' boy.
ERNA! Ryeowook is in here too!
Farahhin! Your ex, Eunhyuk is in here too!
Last but not least! Eeteuk is in here TOO!!!.