Today,supposely to have NPCC Training. But i did not attend it. Why? Because I'm sick. My asthma attack became worst when i came back from causeway point yesterday.Its quiet boring at home. With nothing to do, where actually there's a lot of things to be done. I'm helpless today. I can't do anything. The household chores even my homeworks! My hands were shaking when i'm writting. My head aches alot! Gosh! Hopefully will recover before fasting month come.
To those who contacted me this morning asking me to join them to causeway point, I'm sorry I can't go. My condition doesn't allow me to. [Pak Busu,Nurul Fatin, Faz , I'm sorry. Mianhe. ]
FT Island Comeback stage at M! Countdown.
FT Island Comeback stage at M! Countdown.
Hongki! The new hottest member.
Firstly, He cut his girlish hair to a manly hairstyle.
Secondly, He's new image.New makeup style.Really suits him.
Thirdly, he lost alot of weight. Doesn't really look like KangIn from Super Junior anymore.
My opinion, he looks like Park Jungmin from SS501 now.
Ft Island - Sarang Ho Ae [ After Love]
Their new hit song after Sarangalhee [Love sick]
Ft Island - Troublemaker
Good Night =)