Big Brother came home early from work today.Like WHAT THE HECK! Ok, He's sick,sounds reasonable. Anyway,just finished watching The Golden Disk Award 2008 on YouTube. WonderGirls was AWESOME! && wanna know something?? Big Brother actually said that SOHEE looks hot! She was dancing the disco version of Nobody on stage and big brother went, "Eh!Saper ni! Hot per!" (he likes to see girls dancing like that i guess.haha) and I went "Yeah right! Please ehk! Dier baru 16 tahun. Budak underage." and he went again "ouh ok. Takperlah".haha.

Triple S song "Your man" music video. Watch Youngsaeng doing the MOLLA part at 0:55, the cool version and at 1:54, the hot + gangster like version!haha.
I kind of laughing to Hyungjoon's rapping. The lyric is like "AKA[r] AKA[r]"
Akar aper ko nak pakai Hyungjoon? haha!
&& Kyujong. Wah! Semangat sei matair aku joget! especially at 0:56 onwards.haha