Setelah sebulan menahan kelaparan pada bulan Ramadhan, aku bersyukur kerana masih diberi kesempatan daripada yang maha esa untuk meraihkan Hari Kemenangan kami dengan insan-insan yang tercinta. Aku bersyukur kepada yang maha esa kerana diberi peluang untuk meminta maaf kepada ibu bapaku pada hari yang indah ini. Dengan itu, saya, Nur Atikah Bazilah, ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN.
It's the second day of hari raya today and my family did not go out for house visiting because both my sister and I are busy preparing for our exams. Yesterday was a blast! As usual, Mom's yearly routine in the morning of Hari Raya. This is what she would shout to me in my room , "ADEK! WHAT TIME IS IT!?! WAKE UP!WAKE UP! YOUR FATHER AND BROTHER HAD GONE TO THE MOSQUE! WE WILL BE GOING OUT ONCE THEY REACHED HOME! COME ON! FASTER WAKE UP!"
Yeah,that was what mom will say every morning of Hari Raya. Its quite annoying actually. I did not woke up late. It's her that wake me so early in the morning at 8am. haha. nevermind.
Today upon reaching home, I took a shower and staright away take my Hari Raya handbag and took out all the 'green packets' that I received yesterday. Count them with a wide smile on my face. AKU KAYA OI! x)
A $100 to go and i'm done collecting/saving money for the China Trip this November. Ouh! I can't wait! =))