at last,my comp is okey again.Tnx to Bob to fix this comp.
hmm...let me see...
I've not updated Saturday's picnic with 2N2.
ouh ya.rite...hee!
The picnic was quite fun.I really enjoyed it especially when we are building our sandcastles.
Ouh yar.saw HUSSEIN..yar yar yar..
he's quite ketot lorh...lol!
Sunday didn't went to madrasah.Followed family toeat at CWP's banquet.Bob went home after
that.So there we were the four of us went to Bugis.Surprisingly saw IMRAN shooting for his
show ILLUSI.He's quite hansem siao in real life..kekeke!
Abg Chak bought specs for my burfdae.&& he did choose the wrong color x)But i still like it. =))
Monday & tuesdat went to school as usual.so boring!!! x)