Blogskin changed!
Cute kan! Cute kan!
The Power Puff Girls! PowerPuff!
Exams are coming and I'm busy with studying lately. Maybe more on busy making notes.
Super Junior on Intimate Note
Cross Dressing part.
Gosh! Heechul is damn hilarious! He's imitating Jessica from SNSD.
His "babo!' just makes me laugh so hard!
Heechul just look pretty in this!
Eunhyuk scolding Sungmin in chinese accent so funny!
Cute kan! Cute kan!
The Power Puff Girls! PowerPuff!
Exams are coming and I'm busy with studying lately. Maybe more on busy making notes.
Super Junior on Intimate Note
Cross Dressing part.
Gosh! Heechul is damn hilarious! He's imitating Jessica from SNSD.
His "babo!' just makes me laugh so hard!
Heechul just look pretty in this!
Eunhyuk scolding Sungmin in chinese accent so funny!