Went to school as usual...In a happy mood today....accept when the part where Saifuddin irritates me...i ear....HE KEPT COMPLAINING MAN!!!
Had IT Course.So damn fun sitting with darl,Azillah.She and Maisara make my day yaw..Mr Mak teach the HTML thingy...It was so WOW! first time i finish early...i'm lucky enuf lorh...i know about all this HTML stuff. =))
Went to Sembawang Beach.Totally packed with people...Saw Effy n Effiq with Family...bla..bla...bla...
CNy Celebration last Wed
I was grouped with Azillah,Fauzi,Haziq and Micheal for the HAMPER MAKING COMPETITION.
Had lots of fun!KECOHNESS! Of course....Can't really write much on it...'cos i totally forgot what i did that day x)
PS:Sorry that i can't write too much for now....been busy since in sec 3....may be the last time i update this blog for the term....=)
Azillah : B! i Nak take pic ngan u!!! Be my valentine x)