Happy 21st Birthday to 2PM's Prince, Nickhun Buck Horvejkul!
The Prince from Thailand.
A Thai-Korean blooded prince. =)

Hello~ Woke up approximately at 9am today. Went to the library with Erna baby and Hafirah syg. Supposedly to meet at 12pm, but Hafirah was late~as usual lols. I started off doing Chemistry Holiday Assignments,then Combined Humanities. That was all that I managed to do today. Total up, I've already finished my POA, Chemistry, Combined Humanities and Mathematics Assignments. Few more worksheets to go which is Malay and Physics. School holidays will end in 4 days time. The first day of term 3 will be my English Oral Preliminary Examination. I'm seriously worried about it now, since I've not been studying much on the June Holidays. I got one more month to go, minus my prelims, to go and revise all the subjects that I need to buck up on before my N-Levels. ~Aja!Fighting!
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