Happy 26th Birthday PARK JUNGSU-EETEUK!
His birthday falls on 1 July,which is yesterday.
Supposed to update yesterday,but i'm too busy.Why am I busy?
ouh my, like durrh!
I was busy with EETEUK!
Finished school yesterday around 4.30 pm. Rushed back home, bathe, get dressed and waited for EETEUK to come with his invisible jet and my clone. Get on the jet and my clone replaced me.Then we're off to Korea to FT Island's Bangalow to attend Erna + Minhwan and Hafirah + Jonghun 's wedding PLUS our engagement ceremony [eeteuk and i & Farahhin and TOP)]!
Around 8 pm. celebrated EETEUK"S BIRTHDAY !
Wah! Had the first homestay at Super Junior's dorm.
Ask Kyuhyun oppa to teach me my Math Homework.Eeteuk can't teach me 'cos he's too old and it had been a long time since he last studied.He can't remember anything.
At night, Eeteuk and i watched a malay movie , KL DRIFT while the rest went to sleep.
Of course he understand the movie! There's subtitles provided. He made an annoying sound effects when watching the movie. haha!So cute!
Around midnight,something happens,don't want to let you guys know.Only Hafirah,Erna and Farahhin knows what happened.
on 27 July,my birthday, we will get married! haha! x)
That's about it on what happened yesterday.Do ask me if you are curious to know more. haha!
GOSH! My imaginary is so 'wild'!
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